
Monday, January 13, 2014

Dancing toddlers and more

 Hello again! I have even more cuteness today brought to you by adorable flower up there drinking his bottle. I'm gonna be kinda sad when he ages up because he's just so cute but also not because no more toddlers in the house, all children that can fend for themselves, lol. I think we all remember the brief little history I gave you for Finnegan and his family in this post but just in cause you didn't see it or need to see it again, you can read over it again but for now, lets get to the rest of the post. 

 These two, even after three kids, are still all over each other. They do this on auto all the time. When neither of them has anything else to do and I go to look for them, I usually find them in some similar situation. Or in the bed. Or possibly on the couch. No I'm not kidding, they really just can't keep their hands to themselves at all. Sometimes it's really cute, and other times it's sort of annoying. It's better than Roberts random crying for no apparent reason though. That's for sure. 
 Robert had a want to 'Buy Electronic Entertainment' and I thought getting his aspiration meter out of the red might help with his random crying all the time. (seriously though, I've never had a sim do that. I think he might just be depressed even though his mood meter is full) So I let him go ahead with buying the entertainment. And they bought a video game. He was the first one to run and play it and River needed to up his fun bar so I sent him to join. Robert kept winning. With full taunting and everything. Who's the child in this picture? lol. 

And then flower decided to be cute and get my attention again. This is one of my favorite toddler actions in The Sims 2. I never noticed it happen in The Sims 3, but I could be wrong, so when I started playing The Sims 2 again (keep in mind when I bought it, it had just came out, but without even thinking, I didn't check computer requirements, and when I got home, I had no computer that even had enough space to install it. So I rarely got to play it until now) and i noticed one of my little toddlers crawling off to the stereo and dancing (which at first was more of OMG WHAT IS SHE DOING) it was SO CUTE. Now I try to remember to leave the stereo's on when there's toddlers in the house so that they can entertain me and themselves by dancing all cute like! And Flower's the cutest already anyways. No I'm not playing favorites towards the kids. And no, you can't prove that I am. So *Sticks tongue out* 


  1. Hi there! Popping over via the Ultimate Blog Challenge... :)

    I'm a fellow Sims player, although I've taken a break over the past two months (Tropico 4 has sucked me in big time). There are parts of 2 I like better, and parts of 3 I like better. I don't know that I recall seeing the toddlers dance... now I have to go check!

    (Maybe it's because I tend to get rid of the stereo once there are kids, though... otherwise it's on ALL THE TIME).

    Happy blogging,

    1. lol i hated the tvs and radios on sims 3 and would get rid of them quick ones the first baby was a toddler otherwise the next time my sim got pregnant they'd pop out triplets. and that.. just no. lol. I'm glad i don't have that problem with sims 2. if I turn it off it usually stays that way for a while or until i tell someone to turn it back on.
